October 2023


Stories: Dean’s event with Amal Ghandour; Talks with Diplomat-in-Residence Androulla Kaminara, ILO Director Gilbert F. Houngbo, and UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk; Hiwaraat “Global Histories and Practices of Islamophobia,” and Regional Counselors event; plus social media and statistics for October 2023.

Public Events

Memoir Author Amal Ghandour Explores Generational Struggles across the Arab World with Dean

Memoir Author Amal Ghandour Explores Generational Struggles across the Arab World with Dean

In a public book event hosted by Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q), acclaimed author Amal Ghandour spoke with the dean of GU-Q, Dr. Safwan Masri, about her recently published memoir, This Arab Life: A Generation’s Journey into SilenceRead more.

Diplomat-in-Residence: Data, Policy, & Mentorship Crucial for Gender Equality

Diplomat-in-Residence: Data, Policy, & Mentorship Crucial for Gender Equality

At a Georgetown Women’s Alliance-Qatar event held at GU-Q, H.E. Ambassador Androulla Kaminara, the first woman to serve as the European Union Ambassador and Head of Delegation to Pakistan, discussed the increasing role of women in international affairs, and shared  insights on advancing global gender equality. Read more.

Georgetown Provides a Public Platform for ILO Director-General’s Insight on Labor and Social Justice

GU-Q recently held an event titled “From G20 to the SDG Summit: Where Do We Stand on Decent Work and Social Justice?” featuring Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Read more.

UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk Explains International Law and the War on Gaza

UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk Explains International Law and the War on Gaza

GU-Q hosted the latest installment of their Palestine Speaker Series featuring an insightful talk by Michael Lynk, Professor Emeritus of Law at Western University in Canada, and the former UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Read more.

Elevating Higher Education: Georgetown Hosts the 2023 IACAC Regional Institute

GU-Q, hosted the International Association for College Admissions Counseling Middle East & North Africa Regional Institute, at their Education City campus. Read more.